Free food hampers for COVID-19 families in crisis

Compassion in Action (CIA) has distributed nearly 2,000 free food hampers and hot meals to vulnerable people in Leigh who are self-isolating and impacted by Coronavirus.
Individuals and families who have been referred to Compassion in Action (CIA) will receive the equivalent of a full week’s shop delivered direct to their door.
Each hamper contains fresh produce, fruit, vegetables, cooked meat and dairy, as well as toiletries and other household essentials – including cleaning products, washing powder and toilet rolls.
“I would like to offer our heartfelt thanks to the local community, our valued partners, Wigan Council, Leigh councillors and loyal businesses,” said Pam Gilligan, Chief Executive Officer of CIA. “The money they have donated is helping us to help others with continued deliveries of everyday essentials including fresh produce, nappies and baby milk.
‘It is a true demonstration of ‘Unity in the Community’ and, together, we are making a difference – ensuring that no-one in Leigh goes hungry or feels forgotten during the UK lockdown.”
CIA’s delivery team are operating in line with Government health and safety guidelines, which includes wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
The free service has been active since 17 March and 1,792 deliveries have been made so far – including taking hot meals to the elderly in their homes.
“I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to our wonderful staff and volunteers, whose dedication and commitment to supporting those in need during the current crisis is priceless,” added Pam. “Each day, six members of staff have joined me at our headquarters, Patrick House, during the lockdown to prepare and deliver the hampers.
‘I also wish to extend my thanks to our amazing catering team at Atherleigh Park, who are serving nutritious takeaways to the hard-working frontline NHS staff at North West Boroughs Healthcare.”
If you would like to support CIA’s COVID-19 emergency response work, please telephone 01942 418830.