Commemorative D-Day event honours 80th anniversary of Normandy Landings

Compassion in Action has proudly welcomed local servicemen to its headquarters for a commemorative event – marking the 80th anniversary of the Normandy Landings.
Special guests included our valued veterans, who attend our weekly Veterans’ Brunch, as well as local dignitaries and councillors.
At 12noon, bugler David Peacock sounded The Last Post, which was followed by a two-minute silence and The Act of Remembrance – led by John ‘Jack’ Shaw Robinson, President of the Tyldesley Branch of the Royal British Legion (RBL).
Speeches were made by Keith Stott, Vice Chairman of the Greater Manchester County of the RBL, our CEO Pam Gilligan and Jo Platt, who spoke about her grandfather’s military service and on the importance of continuing to tell stories from past conflicts.
Standard Bearers Stephen Burke (Branch Secretary, Tyldesley) and Robert Watson (President, Leigh Branch) displayed the Standards of local RBL branches.
Keith Stott said: “Today was extra-special as we came together and joined in the nation’s commemorations of an event that occurred 80 years ago. It is important that we took a moment to remember all those who took part in D-Day and the subsequent liberation of France.”
Pam led a salute to all our veterans, as well as thanking them for their service and added: “Every single person related to today is special.”
The service concluded with a recital of The Exhortation, taken from poem For The Fallen by Laurence Binyon:
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.